You May Want To Invest In Professional Mosquito Control On Long Island

After a long day of work, it is fun to go outdoors and get some fresh air on your Long Island property. Nothing is more relaxing than sitting on the porch, enjoying the evening breeze while sipping an ice-cold beverage, but mosquitoescan turn your comfy setting into a nightmare.
If you are battling mosquitoes on your property, you need the Long Island pest control team from A&M Quality Pest Control. Our professionals know how to beat back the mosquitoes so you can enjoy a relaxing evening.
How Dangerous Are Mosquitoes?
Although most bites from mosquitos result only in a red, itchy area, there are cases where people contract serious, life-threatening diseases. Two types of mosquitoes are common on Long Island: the northern house (Culex pipiens) mosquito and the Asian tiger (Aedes albopictus) mosquito. The house mosquito is a transmitter of the following pathogens:
Saint Louis encephalitis virus: Headache, nausea, fever, and tiredness may accompany an infection from this virus. Some people have developed meningitis, inflammation of membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord, while others have experienced brain swelling.
West Nile virus: If there is a reaction to this disease, it is a fever and headache. Rare instances of swelling of the brain or spinal cord have occurred.
In addition to the West Nile virus, the Asian tiger mosquito may transmit the following:
Eastern equine encephalitis: Although this virus does not typically present symptoms, it may produce brain inflammation in some people.
Chikungunya virus: Fever and joint pain are early signs of this disease, followed a couple of days later by muscle pain, headaches, and rash.
Malaria is the most well-known disease associated with these winged pests. However, the spread of malaria is rare in the United States, and we have treatments for those infected.
What Does The CDC Say About Mosquitoes?
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), "Over 200 types of mosquitoes live in the continental United States and U.S. territories; of these 200, about 12 types spread germs that can make people sick. Other mosquitoes bother people and are considered nuisance mosquitoes. In general, nuisance mosquitoes do not spread germs.
You may find the following statement from the CDC somewhat comforting: "Most types of mosquitoes in the United States are nuisance mosquitoes." These mosquitoes do not spread germs that make people sick." We don't need to live in fear of mosquitoes," but to lessen our chances of becoming infected via a mosquito bite, we still need to rid the yard of mosquitoes.
Three Things You Can Do To Avoid Mosquitoes
To avoid mosquitoes, do the following three things:
Eliminate breeding locations: The best thing to get rid of mosquitoes is to remove stagnant, standing water within 200 yards of the property.
Limit outdoor activity: Mosquitoes are most active when the temperatures are above 55?. Asian tiger mosquitoes feed during daylight, while the northern house mosquitoes are active at dusk and dawn.
Use mosquito repellants: According to the Texas A & M AgriLife Extension, effective repellants have at least one of the following ingredients: DEET, IR3535, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus.
Contrary to popular opinion, plants that ward off mosquitoes do not work as you think. The oil in the leaves may repel mosquitoes, but the plant will not be effective unless you extract the oil and use it on your body.
Is It Time To Consider Professional Mosquito Control?
To rid the yard of mosquitoes, you need to eliminate all sources of standing water and mosquito eggs, larvae, and pupae. A&M Quality Pest Control knows where to find the mosquito breeding grounds, and our environmentally safe pest control treatments eliminate the mosquitos and the developing generation. Contact us today and let us stop the mosquito infestation around your Long Island home.